Sunday, January 22

Day 22: Snow Day

Sometimes I think days of doing mostly nothing are the best days of all. Of course there were the odd weekend chores which needed to be taken care of but just hanging out at the apartment with my husband and kitty cat, Pina, made up most of today. It seemed that we all needed to recharge from the stress of the past two weeks, with all of the visits back and forth to Katthemmet each night after work, going on two all day excursions last weekend to purchase all of the necessities for our new family member and then the lack of restful sleep the first couple of nights that our kitty was here.

Pina has been with us since last Tuesday evening and she has settled in remarkably well for such a short period of time and she seems to be truly comfortable in her new home. She makes her way around the apartment like she’s been here much longer than six days. She is very curious and wants to inspect everything. Yesterday she discovered the washing machine. She sat in front of it nearly ten minutes just watching the clothing going around and around. She was also very intrigued with where the water went when it drained from the washing machine and she searched the bathroom until she found the tube and watched it curiously as it made loud, gurgling noises.

Today she discovered the snow. Since she was born in July 2010 I have to assume that she saw all of the snow we had last year but to see her watch it now you would think not. It was snowing when we woke up this morning, big, fat flakes that looked like large pieces of stuffing coming out of a pillow. They swirled in the air enticing poor Pina as she sat in our bedroom window watching them. It was very cute to see. So cute that I think my heart melts a little bit every time I see her discovering something new.

Everyday she finds something new to draw her fascination and curiosity however I think her favorite discovery has definitely been our stairs. She runs up and down them at the speed of light and you hear the soft, thundering of her paws and the scratching of her claws as she tried to gain friction. She seems to especially do this after she has visited her kitty toilet. It’s quite funny.

Later in the day Carl and I stepped out to run a couple of errands and we had a nice long walk in the process. It was still snowing, blanketing the ground with a cheery brightness. There is something magical both about a lazy, snow day when I am off of work and watching my kitty in her daily routine. Having a kitty is like having snow day every day. Just knowing it is snowing outside brightens the day in the same way that my kitty brightens my day.

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